Department of Telugu
THE DEPARTMENT OF Telugu is one of the earliest established faculties in the college and is generally recognized as the most active in spreading the language and culture of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana in Delhi. As providence would have it, Sri Uppada Raja Rao, a distinguished scholar and an acclaimed poet joined the college and started its classes in 1961 with a small group of 9students in B.A. (Pass) with effective support from TTD management, University of Delhi, teaching and non-teaching staff, and a multitude of cultural organizations in the region and formulated its holistic pedagogy. He invited the celebrated Telugu poet Sri SankarambadiSundarachari of “maa Telugu thallikimallepoodanda” fame as the Chief Guest and founded the student association Telugu Bhasha Parishat and started a wall magazineAndhri in the same year; and edited the inaugural issue of the college annual magazine Neerajana besides setting up a well-equipped library for staff and students.
Sri H.S. Brahmananda, an eminent authority on Lambadi language and folk literature, linguistics and literary criticism joined the department for a year in 1975.
It was later due to the sedulous attention paid by Dr. A. Anjaneyulu who joined the faculty in 1976 that the department attained the present widespread reputation and recognition.He retired in 2006.
Dr. S. Chandrasekhar,a well-known scholar and orator contributed immensely to the educational and socio-cultural activities of Delhi ever since his appointment in 1979.He retired in 2015.
Dr. ElchuriMuralidhara Rao, joined the faculty in 1981. He published SrimadBhagavatamu (in 3 Volumes), Vishnu Puranamu in Telugu; Sri Devi Saptasathi, Lure of the Yore and other Poems (Ed.) in English; edited three research journals; and brought out 14 other books andmore than three hundred essays, translations, poetry and research articles in Telugu and English and continues to be a prolific contributor to national and international journals and All India Radio. Besides many felicitations at literary functions he had received Several. He retired in 2019.
Teacher In-charge

Welcome & Greetings!
THE DEPARTMENT OF Telugu is one of the earliest established faculties in the college and is generally recognized as the most active in spreading the language and culture of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana in Delhi.