Dr. Sukrat Sinha

Educational Qualifications
- D.Phil.
- M.Sc.
Areas of Specialization
- Immunology, Signaling, Bioinformatics and molecular biology of infectious diseases including Pandemics like COVID-19
Administrative roles/ responsibilities
- Coordinator of the Vermicomposting Unit of Sri Venkateshwara College, Delhi University, New Delhi
Courses Taught
- B.Sc. (H) Zoology, B.Sc. Life Sciences, B.Sc. (H) Biological Sciences. Immunology, Public Health and Hygiene, Vermicomposting and Vermiculture, Ecology
1 Pawan Gupta, Swati Gupta, Sukrat Sinha, Shanthy Sundaram, Vishnu Sharma, Anjana Munshi - In silico phytochemical repurposing of natural molecules as entry inhibitors against RBD of spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 using molecular docking studies (Accepted) International Journal of computational biology and drug design
2 Ashutosh Tripathi, Sukrat Sinha, Brijesh Kant Dwivedi An attempt to evaluate antiviral activity of plant extracts to combat infections caused by viruses including SARSCOV-2. SSRN 22/05/2020 http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3599444
3 Sukrat SinhaClinical and hepatological profile of a patient suffering from visceral leishmaniasis Gut 67 (Suppl 2), A113-A113, 2018
Book Chapter -
Recent Book chapters published/edited
Immunochemistry: consequences and mechanism of protection in chemotherapeutics Photoprotective green pharmacology: Challenges, sources and future applications / Springer Nature ( Under Revision)
1. Fulbright-Nehru Postdoctoral Fellowship to study antigenic variation during malaria at Emory Vaccine Center, Emory University, Atlanta, US (Completed)
2. Department of Science and Technology Fast Track Scheme for young Scientists project worth of 30 Lakh INR as a Principal Investigator (Completed)
3. University Grants Commission (UGC), India for Dr. D.S Kothari Postdoctoral Fellowship worth around 12.84 Lakh INR (Completed)