Dr. Vivek Panwar

Educational Qualifications
- Ph.D. Atmospheric Physics (2011)
- M.Sc. (2006)
Areas of Specialization
- Atmospheric Dynamics, Climate Change, Pollution and natural resources embodied in international trade; socio-economic inertia and “lock-in” of environmental problems
Administrative roles/ responsibilities
Courses Taught
- Mathematical Physics, Thermal Physics, Waves and Optics, Modern Physics, Weather Forecasting
Ph. D. THESIS - A study on the characteristics of the tropical tropopause over Asian Monsoon Region: Influence of convection and wave activity, University of Delhi, 2012
1. Trends and Variability of PM2.5 at different time scales over Delhi: Long-term Analysis 2007-2021, S K Dhaka, Gagandeep Longiany, V. Panwar, V. Kumar, S. Malik, N. Singh, AP Dimri, Yutaka Matsumi, Tomoki Nakayama, Sachiko Hayashida, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2022.
2. Genesis of Severe Dust Storm over the Indian Subcontinent: Dynamics and Impacts, Jaydeep Singh, Narendra Singh, N. Ojha, A. K. Srivastava, Deewan Singh, K. Rajeev, N. V. P. Kiran Kumar, Ravi Shankar Singh, V. Panwar, S. K. Dhaka, Vinay Kumar, Tomoki Nakayama, Yutaka Matsumi, Sachiko Hayashida, Earth and Space Science, 2021.
3. PM 2.5 diminution and haze events over Delhi during the COVID-19 lockdown period: An Interplay between the baseline pollution and meteorology, S. K. Dhaka, Chetna, Vinay Kumar, V. Panwar, AP Dimri, Narendra Singh, Prabir K Patra, Yutaka Matsumi, Masayuki Takigawa, Tomoki Nakayama, Kazuyo Yamaji, Mizuo Kajino, Prakhar Misra, Sachiko Hayashida, Nature Scientific Reports, 2020.
4. Detection of Solar cycle signal in the tropospheric temperature using COSMIC data, V. Kumar, S. K. Dhaka, V. Panwar, Narendra Singh, A. S. Rao, Shristy Mailk and S. Yoden, Current Science, 115, 2232-2239, 2018.
5. V. Kumar, S. K. Dhaka, K.K. Reddy, A. Gupta, S.B. Surendra Prasad, V. Panwar, N. Singh, Shu- Peng, Ho, M. Takahashi, Impact of Quasi-Biennial Oscillation on the inter-annual variability of the tropopause height and temperature in the tropics: A study using COSMIC/FORMOSAT-3 observations, Atmos. Res., 139, 62-70, 2014.
6. Ankur Goel, V. Panwar, H. Hashiguchi and S. K. Dhaka, Observed change in association of temperature with solar activity in upper troposphere and lower stratosphere after 1977, Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics, 42, 5, 309-319, 2013.
7. A. R. Jain, V. Panwar, C. J. Johny, S. Jain, S. K, Peshin, T. K. Mandal and S. K. Dhaka, Tropopause and interchange of minor constituents in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) region, Indian J. of Radio and Space Physics, 42, 5, 320-331, 2013.
8. R. Bhatnagar, S. K. Dhaka, V. Panwar, Y. Shibagaki, H. Hashiguchi, S. Fukao, T. Kozu, and M. Takahashi, Hourly radiosonde observation of humidity, temperature and vertical wind using the EAR during convection over Koto Tabang, Indonesia in CPEA-II campaign, Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics, 42, 5, 277-291, 2013.
9. A. Gupta, V. Kumar, V. Panwar, R. Bhatnagar and S. K. Dhaka, Long term variability in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere over Indian and Indonesian region using AIRS observations, Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics, 42, 5, 298-308, 2013.
10. V. Kumar, S. K. Dhaka, A. Jain, A. Chaudhary, R. Bhatnagar, A. Gupta, V. Panwar, N. Singh and K. K. Reddy, COSMIC satellite observations on seasonal variation of pressure at cold point tropopause and its relation with tropical easterly jet over tropical region, Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics, 42, 5, 292-297, 2013.
11. A. Gupta, S. K. Dhaka, V. Panwar, R. Bhatnagar, V. Kumar, and S. K. Dash, AIRS satellite observations of seasonal variability in meridional temperature gradient over Indian region at 100 hPa, J. Earth Syst. Sci. 122, No. 1, 201-202, 2013.
12. V. Panwar, A. R. Jain, A. Goel, T. K. Mandal, V. R. Rao, and S. K. Dhaka, Some features of water vapor mixing ratio in tropical upper troposphere and lower stratosphere: Role of Convection, doi: 10.1016/ Atmos. Res., 2012.
13. A. R. Jain, V. Panwar, C. J. Johny, T. K. Mandal, V. R. Rao, R. Gautam, and S. K. Dhaka, Occurrence of extremely low cold point tropopause temperature during summer monsoon season: ARMEX campaign and CHAMP and COSMIC satellite observations, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D03102, doi: 10.1029/2010JD014340, 2011.
14. R. Sapra, S. K. Dhaka, V. Panwar, R. Bhatnagar, K. Praveen Kumar, Y. Shibagaki, V. Ratnam and M. Takahashi, Long-term variations in outgoing long-wave radiation (OLR), convective available potential energy (CAPE) and temperature in the tropopause region over India, J. Earth Syst. Sci. 120, No. 5, pp. 807-823, 2011.
15. S. K. Dhaka, R. Bhatnagar, Y. Shibagaki, H. Hashiguchi, S. Fukao, T. Kozu, V. Panwar, Characteristics of Gravity waves generated in a convective and a non-convective environment revealed from hourly radiosonde observation under CPEA-II campaign, Ann. Geophys., 29, 2259-2276, 2011.
16. A. R. Jain, V. Panwar, T.K. Mandal, V.R. Rao, A. Goel, R. Gautam, S. S. Das, and S. K. Dhaka, Mesoscale convection system and occurrence of extreme low tropopause temperatures: Observation over Asian summer monsoon region, Ann. Geophys., 28, 927–940, 2010.
17. S. K. Dhaka, Rupali Sapra, V. Panwar, H. -Y. Chun, R. Bhatnagar, T. K. Mandal, Influence of large and small scale variations in convective available potential energy (CAPE) and solar cycle over temperature in tropopause region at Delhi (28.30N, 77.10E), Kolkata (22.30N, 88.20E), Cochin (100N, 770E), and Trivandrum (8.50N, 77.00E) using radiosonde during 1980-2005, Earth Planets Space, 62, 319-331, 2010.
18. V. Panwar, S. K. Dhaka and R. Bhatnagar, Satellite, Radar and radiosonde observations of humidity, temperature and wind during convection, Intl. J. App. Sci. Hum., 1, 13-18, 2010.
1. V. Panwar, H. Hashiguchi, S. K. Dhaka, Marzuki, M. K. Yamamoto and Y. Sibagaki, Study of association of water vapor and ozone in the tropical tropopause region: Role of vertical wind, MU radar and EAR 6th symposium proceedings, pages 51-56, RISH Kyoto University, Japan, 2013.
2. S. K. Dhaka, R. Sapra, V. Panwar, M. Kaur, A. Goel, T. K. Mandal, A. R. Jain, Long Term Variations in temperature in association with convective available potential energy in the upper troposphere using radiosonde data over Delhi (28.30N, 77.10E) and Kolkata (22.30N, 88.20E), Advances in Geosciences, Vol. 16, AS (2008).
3. S.K. Dhaka, Vivek Panwar, Rupali Sapra and Rangoli Bhatnagar, Large Scale Variation in Observed Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) over Chennai, Kolkata, and Delhi using Radiosonde during 1989-2005, In V. K. Anandan, editor, Proceedings of the Eleventh International Workshop on Technical and Scientific Aspects of MST Radar, pages 720-723. Macmillan India Ltd., 2007
American Geophysical Union Student Travel Grant, 2011
Department of Science and Technology (India), Travel Grant, 2011
Best Poster Award in the International Workshop on the Frontiers of Atmospheric Physics and Technology, Yogi Vemana Univeristy, Kadappa, Andhra Pradesh, India, 2008
1. Aakash Project - An Interdisciplinary Study toward Clean Air, Public Health and Sustainable Agriculture: The Case of Crop Residue Burning in North India. Funded By: Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN), Kyoto, Japan Website: https://aakash-rihn.org/en/
Research Guidance
1. Guided two masters’ dissertation students of Kurukshetra University on the topics:
1. Study of water vapor in the UTLS region using Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) on board AURA, 2015.
2. Study of Carbon dioxide (CO2) in the troposphere using Atmospheric Infra-red sounder (AIRS) on board AQUA, 2015.