Dr. Pooja Sharma

Educational Qualifications
- Ph.D., Department of Modern Indian Languages and Literary Studies (MILLS), University of Delhi
- Postgraduate Diploma in Mass Communication, Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC), New Delhi
- MA English, Panjab University, Chandigarh
Areas of Specialization
- Folk Narratives, Media and Communications, American Literature
Administrative roles/ responsibilities
Courses Taught
- British Drama, British Romantic Literature, Modern European Drama, English Language Through Literature (ELTL), Communication & Personality Development
1. “One Tale, Many Narratives: Versions of Sohini-Mahiwal from Sindh to Punjab”, Single Author, Phenomenal Literature, Peer-Reviewed Print Journal, Volume 7, Issue 2, Jan-Mar 2023, ISSN 2347-5951, pp. 98-108.
2. “Resistance in Sindhi and Punjabi Folk Narratives in the light of Thematic Continuities and Shared Contexts”, Single Author, Shodhshauryam, International Scientific Refereed Research Journal , Vol 5, 13-21 , 2581-6306 , 2022, Peer Reviewed.
3. “Folk Spatiality in the digital age: Virtual platforms as sites of performance for dislocated folk groups”, Single Author, National Journal of Hindi and Sanskrit Research , NJHSR1(44) , 21-28 , 2454-9177 , 2022, Peer Reviewed.
4. “Folk Narratives of Sindh and Punjab through the lens of Partition”, Single Author, Journal of Contemporary Indian Polity and Economy , 14 , 151-164 , 2229-533X , 2021 Peer Reviewed.
5. “पंजाबी साहित्य में महिलाओं की भूमिका: कृष्णा सोबती की चुनी हुई कृतियों की समीक्षा” (Role of women in Punjabi literature: An analysis of selected works of Krishna Sobti), Single Author, Drishtikon, 1, 4357-60 , 0975-119X , 2021, UGC Listed.
Creative Publications: Fiction
1. Of Things Lost And Never Found, WordIt Art Fund, Mumbai, 2019.
Creative Publications: Poetry
• ‘What does it mean?’ in VerbalArt: A Global Journal Devoted to Poets and Poetry, AuthorsPress, Volume 6, Issue 2, Oct-Dec 2022
• ‘Overhauling’ and ‘Variables and Constants’ in Self Portrait: Collection of Contemporary Autobiographical Poetry, Culture Cult, 2023, Edited by Jay Chakravarti
• ‘Thousand And One Ways’ in The Kali Project: An Anthology, IndieBlue Publishing, 2020, Edited by Candice Louisa Daquin and Megha Sood
• ‘The Anatomy Of A Sunday’ and ‘The Gap Year’ in Insulatus, Mississippi Books, 2020, Edited by Sabuj Sarkar and Akshay Kumar Roy
• “From Food to Travel.” The Observer, 27 September 2021. https://ndsmcobserver.com/2021/09/fromfoodtotravel/
• ‘Panic Attack’ and ‘Room’ in Yawp! Little Magazine, Vol 3, Insider-Stranger, 2020
• ‘The Magical Year’ in Red Skies, Splintered Disorder Press, 2020 Edited by Amanda Edwards and Rachel Small
• Co-investigator in Research Project titled “Swaraj’s Unsung Warriors: A Study of Capital City-Delhi and Surrounding Geographies” sponsored by Research and Innovation Cell for Grant of Projects (Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Evening College, University of Delhi).