Ms. Mohini Yadav

Educational Qualifications
- Pursuing PhD (FMS)
- M.Com (NET-JRF)
- B.Com Hons (SRCC)
Areas of Specialization
- Human Resource Management, Income Tax, Business Mathematics
Administrative roles/ responsibilities
• Convener of Add-on Course committee of Department of Commerce for AY2023-24.
• Member of NSS and Dramatics Society of SVC for AY2023-2025.
• Provided syllabus for ‘Operations Management’ for the MBA (Business Analytics) course (2022) offered by Department of Commerce, Faculty of Commerce and Business, Delhi School of Economics, DU.
• Contributed as a resource person in the workshop on "Improving Presentation Skills Using MS-Power-point" organized by the Department of Commerce, Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi in association with Government Degree College, Kargil and Government Degree College, Nobra, University of Ladakh Under VIDYA VISTAR SCHEME on 28th March, 2022.
• Commerce Department Co-coordinators for NAAC from Jan, 2022-June, 2023
• Convener of Com-Soc from July 2021- June 2023.
• Convener of Mentorship and Students Feedback committee from July 2019 to July 2021.
• Member of Verification of OBC Caste Certificates for UG/PG admissions in SVC in AY 2021-22 and 2023-24.
• Organizing members of the Add on course on ‘Digital Marketing’ held from Jan 16– April 3, 2021, organized by Commerce Department, Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi.
• Organizing members of the FDP on ‘Higher education: Road ahead developing next generation academic leaders’ held from November 25- December 1, 2020, organized by Commerce Department & IQAC, Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi.
• Organizing members of the FDP on ‘Business Research Methods’ held from November 19-25, 2019, organized by Commerce Department, Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi.
• Organizing members of the Add on course on ‘Entrepreneurship’ held from August 31– November 9, 2019, organized by Commerce Department, Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi.
Courses Taught
- and B.Com
1. Budhiraja, S., Yadav, M. and Rathi, N. (2023), "Multi-level outcomes of learning organisation: a bibliometric analysis and future research agenda", Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. [Corresponding Author: MY | Scopus Indexed | ABDC – B | 3.3 Impact Factor (2022)]
2. Budhiraja, S., Thakur, M. and Yadav, M. (2023), "Leveraging human resource management practices during mergers and acquisitions: a bibliometric analysis and future research agenda", Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. [Corresponding Author: MY | Scopus Indexed | ABDC – B | 5.6 Impact Factor (2022)]
3. Thakur, M., Yadav, M. and Mitali, S. (2023), “Employee Gratitude During COVID 19: An Empirical Study on HR Roles”, Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 17, Issue 2 (II), April-June 2023, ISSN: 2229-5348 [Corresponding Author: MY | UGC CARE LIST JOURNAL – S.No 224 in Group 1 Social Sciences]
4. Thakur, M., Schomaker, R. M. and Yadav, M. (2022), “Responding to the Clarion Call Of COVID-19: A Study of Impact of HR function and Employee Engagement on Post-Crisis Organisation Recoverability”, Ramanujan International Journal of Business and Research (RIJBR), Vol. 7, Issue 1, January-June 2022, page 52-71, ISSN: 2583-0171. [Corresponding Author: MY | UGC Care List Journal– S.No 302 in Group 1 Social Sciences]
5. Thakur, M., Yadav, M. and Dutta, M. (2022), “A Study of Grievance Handling And Its Impact On Consumer Perception: The Case of Uber and Ola, IITM Journal of Business Studies (JBS), Vol. 10, Issue 1, January-December 2022, page 20-37, ISSN: 2393-9451 [Corresponding Author: MY | UGC Care List Journal – S.No 124 in Group 1 Social Sciences]
6. Yadav, M. and Wangmo, T. (2020), “How successfully the marketing strategies and marketing mix are affecting the preferences of Indian travelers between Airplanes and AC coaches of trains”, Optimization Journal of Research in Management, Vol. 12, Number 1, January 2020, page 48-63, ISSN: 0974-0988 [First Author: MY | Indexed: i-scholar database, EBSCO, UGC Care List Journal till September 2019]
7. Yadav, M. (2019), “Sentiment Analysis – An overview of a technique which can be used in marketing activities”, Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, Vol. 7, Issue 10, October 2019, page 27-32, ISSN: 2348-7186 [UGC Listed]
8. Yadav, M. (2019), “AnaCredit – Compliance requirements & associated opportunities”, International Journal of Innovative Knowledge Concepts, Vol. 7, Issue 7, July 2019, page 142-144, ISSN: 2454-2415 [UGC Listed]
9. Yadav, M. (2019), “Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Trading in Financial Markets”, International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management, Vol. 4 Issue 7, July 2019, page 32-36, ISSN: 2455-6378 [UGC Listed]
10. Yadav, M. (2019), “Impact of current expected credit loss (CECL) on the US financial institution – An overview”, Journal of Management Research and Analysis, April-June 2019, June issue, Vol. 6 Issue 2, page 85-87, ISSN: 2394-2770. [UGC Listed]
1. Participated in the 83rd Annual meeting of Academy of Management (AOM) 2023 held in Boston, Massachusetts, USA during 7-8th August 2023 and presented on the topic – “Outcomes of Learning Organisation: A Bibliometric Analysis and Future Research Agenda.
2. Participated in the Multidisciplinary National Conference on Contemporary Trends in Humanities & Social Sciences and presented on the topic – “A Study on the Best HR Practices for Resolving Conflicts During Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As), during March 18-19, 2023.
3. Participated in the International Conference on Literature, Language, Translation & Gender Studies 2021 and presented on the topic – “A Study of Efficient Management of Pandemic by Women Leaders”, during July 16-17, 2021.
4. Participated in the International Conference on Literature, Language, Translation & Gender Studies 2021 and presented on the topic – “A Study of Wage Gap Between Men and Women Across Levels”, during July 16-17, 2021.