Dr. Urmi Bhattacharyya

Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology
Educational Qualifications
- Ph.D ( Sociology, JNU, New Delhi)
- M.A., M.Phil( Sociology, JNU, New Delhi)
Areas of Specialization
- Social and cultural anthropology, Cultural Sociology and Visuality, Social theory and ethics
Administrative roles/ responsibilities
• Co-convener, Special Lecture Series 2020-21, Dept. of Sociology, Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi. • Co-convener, Special Lecture Series 2019-20, Dept. of Sociology, Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi. • Co-convener, Special Lecture Series 2018-19, Dept. of Sociology, Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi. • Coordinator (2017-2018), Wall Magazine – Department of Sociology, Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi • Convener (2016-2018), Sociology Association – Dept. of Sociology, Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi. • Convener (2016-2017), We-Witness - Annual Magazine, Dept. of Sociology, Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi. • Member, Syllabus Revision Committee 2019, B.A. (Hons) Indian Society: Images and Realities (CBCS-LOCF), University of Delhi.
Courses Taught
- Visual Cultures, Sociology of Kinship, Urban Sociology, Indian Society – Images and Realities, Reading, Writing and Reasoning in Sociology, Introduction to Sociology, Social Stratification
- 2020. “Interpreting Cultural Politics through the Act of Performative Communication” (Review of Culture and Politics in South Asia: Performative Communication, Dev Nath Pathak and Sasanka Perera (eds.), London: Routledge) New Books Asia Newsletter (International Institute of Asian Studies, Leiden). - 2019. “Reconceptualizing Representation: Interconnections of Experience and Space in the Production of Knowledge”, Journal of Human Values, 25(2): 113-123. - 2019. “Spaces of Culture and Agents of Identity Construction: A Study of the Banjara community in Rajasthan”, in Visvanathan, S. (ed.). Structure, Innovation and Adaptation: Concepts and Empirical Puzzles in a Post Modern Milieu, New Delhi: Winshield Press. - 2019. “Representation to ‘Re-Presentation’: Santhal Scroll Painting and Performance, and the World of Religion and Magic”, in Visvanathan, S. (ed.). Art, Politics, Symbols and Religion, New Delhi: Winshield Press. - 2019. “Sociology of Religion Today: Practices of Thought and Learning”, Journal of Human Values, 25 (3): 190-201. (Co-authored). - 2018. “Interpreting Modernity and the Cultural Possibility of Social Transformation”, Society and Culture in South Asia, 4(1): 1-21. - 2016. “From Primitive to Culturally Distinct: Patachitra Art and Self-Exoticization in West Bengal”, in Kapferer, B. and Theodossopoulous, D. (eds). Against Exoticism: Towards the Transcendence of Relativism and Universalism in Anthropology, Oxford: Berghahn Publications.