Prof(Dr.) Nabanipa Bhattacharjee

Department of Sociology
Educational Qualifications
- Ph.D ( Sociology, JNU, New Delhi)
- M.A., M.Phil( Sociology, JNU, New Delhi)
Areas of Specialization
- Historical and political sociology, partition, migration and identity, anthropology of violence, north east Indian societies and cultures.
Administrative roles/ responsibilities
a. Teacher-in-Charge, Department of Sociology, Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi, 2017-2018 b. Member, Departmental Research Committee (of the Board of Research Studies for SocialSciences, University of Delhi), Department of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, 2014-2015 c. Special Invitee (Sociology), Eleventh Board of Undergraduate Studies,Ambedkar University (AUD), New Delhi, 2017 d. Member, Proctorial Committee, Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi, 2017-2021. e. Faculty-in-Charge, Department of Sociology Wall &We-Witness Magazine, Sri VenkateswaraCollege, University of Delhi, 2018-2021 f. External (Gender) Expert in “Gender Green Teacher (GGT) Project: Workshop on Need Analysis,Critical Analysis of the Project and Preparation of Final Project Proposal”, National Institute of Open Schooling, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, 2018 g. Convener, B.A (Hons.) Sociology of India I & II, Syllabus Restructuring and Revision Committeesfor the CBCS-LOCF Undergraduate Program, University of Delhi, 2019
Courses Taught
- Sociology of India, Sociology of Religion, Economy and Society, Sociological Thinkers , Political Sociology, Introduction to Sociological Research
• ‘Shillong: A Tale of Blue Love’, Mainstream, LIII (27), June, 2015 • ‘Musings of an Irregular Marxist’, The New Leam, November, 2016 • ‘Srihatter Ganabhoter Porer Katha/The Post-Sylhet Referendum Story’, in Prasoon Burman (ed.) Desh Bhag, Desh Tyag: Prasanga Uttar-Purbo Bharat, Gangchil, Kolkata, 2017 (in Bangla) (Reprint) • ‘The Bharatiya Janata Party has Issues with Rohingyas – Indians Don’t’, Kafila (, October, 2017 • ‘Sociology of Religion Today: Practices of Thought and Learning’, Journal of Human Values, 25 (3), September, 2019, (Co-authored) • ‘A Vade Mecum for Bengali Culture Enthusiasts’,The Book Review: South Asia – XXXIV, XLIII (1), January, 2019 (Special Issue) • ‘Peasants and their Interlocutors’, Economic and Political Weekly, 55 (20), May, 2020 (Co-authored) • ‘Can we hear Manu (Gandhi) speak?’, Journal of Human Values, 26 (3), September, 2020, (Co-authored) • ‘An Affair to Remember’, The Book Review: VoW @ Savoy, XLIV (10), October, 2020 (Special Issue) • ‘American Baptists in Assam: The Tale of Oscar Levi Swanson’, in Sajal Nag and M. Satish Kumar (eds) Missionary Interventions in British North EastIndia (forthcoming, Manohar & Routledge 2021)