Dr. Namita Pandey

Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
Educational Qualifications
- M A, M Phil , Ph D
Areas of Specialization
- Indian Politics and Indian Political Ideas
Administrative roles/ responsibilities
• Warden, Padmawati Girls Hostel: July 2008 – July 2014 • Convener, for Foreign Language Course Convener, House of Common Society: 2013-15 • Convener, WDC 2016-2017 • Convener, Foreign Languages • Convener, Alumni Association, 2018-2020 • Nodal Officer for OBE Exams, 2020 • Deputy Coordinator for Evaluation (SVC Centre), 2017-18 & 2018-19 • Deputy Superintendent for Exams, 2017-18 • Conducted for School of Open Learning. 2018-19 • Convener, Model United Nations SVC, 2019- Till Date • Convener, WDC, 2016 Convener, Alumni Association, 2018-2020 Nodal Officer for OBE Exams, 2020 • Member- Admission Committee, Fine Arts Committee, EOC, Parivartan, IQAC, ICC.
Courses Taught
- International Relations, Global Politics, Feminism Theory & Practice, Indian Government and Politics, Political Theory, Ethics and Social Responsibility of Business Proforma for Self-Assessment
1. Presented a paper on Viswa Patal par Nari ki Ekrupta at Mahatma Gandhi University, Mauritius, Sponsored by ICCR in September, 2017 2. Presented a paper on Gandhi and Women in 2018 at Hindi Bhawan in a programme celebrating 150 years of Gandhi sponsored by Sahitya Academy, Delhi 3. Participated in the Training Program of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace on 22 August, 2016 and presented a paper on Sexual Harassment and ICC organized by ASSOCHAM India. 4. Presented a paper on Swatantrata Sangram and Bangla Bhasha ke lokgeet at ONGC Dehradun in January 2014, published in Lekhika Varshiki, Registration No. 4895. 5. Participated in a conference on Women in India at Raj Niwas Goa held from 4 July 2015-7 July 2015 and presented a paper on Women Empowerment: Reality and Myth. 6. Participated as a Co-convener on First Conference as Relevance of Ancient Wisdom in Modern Society organized by Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam and SV College on 21 March, 2013. 7. Convener of National Seminar on Bhasa or Rajniti Ka Badlata Swaroop organized by SV College and UGC on 18-19 March, 2016. 8. Faculty Development Programme on ICT Enhanced Teaching and Learning 2.0 organized by ICT & IQAC, Sri Venkateswara College from July 25-29, 2020. 9. Participated in a 2 months Course on Effective Documentation for Accreditation organized by IQAC Cluster India in Collaboration with White Code from 15 September - 10 November, 2020. 10. Mentored 8 students for Sri Vipra Program for Research in Academics entitled India’s strategy in Indo Pacific.
Awarded Distinguished Teacher by Delhi University 2009
Sub-Editor of Lekhika Varshiki a magazine published by Lekhika Sangh Association of Women Writers in India, Registered in 1959.
Joint Secretary of Lekhika Sangh from 2016 – Till Date