Prof(Dr.) K. Chandramani Singh

Department of Physics
Educational Qualifications
- MSc, DU
- Ph.D. DU
Areas of Specialization
- Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Administrative roles/ responsibilities
• Teacher-in-Charge, Physics Department • Convener, ICT • Nodal Officer, Twitter Account (@TTDSVCDU) • Nodal Officer, North East Student Cell • Member, IQAC • Member, Admission Committee
Courses Taught
- B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics: Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics
• High Energy Ball Milling Effect on Electrical Properties of Lead Free BCST Piezoceramics, Chitra and K Chandramani Singh, AIP Conf. Proc. 2265, 030007, 2020. • Size-dependent Structural and Electrical Properties of lead-free BCST Ceramics prepared from High-Energy Ball Milled nanopowders, Chitra, S. Agarwal, R. Laishram and K Chandramani Singh, Materials Today Communications (Elsevier,ISSN: 2352-4928),25, 101400, 2020 • Investigation of electrical properties in antimony doped Ba0.9Ca0.1Zr0.07Ti(0.93-x)SbxO3 lead-free ceramics, Shreya Mittal and K. Chandramani Singh, Journal of Electronic Materials (Springer, ISSN: 0361-5235), 49, 2279–2288, 2020. • Particle-Size-Induced High Piezoelectricity in (Ba0.88Ca0.12)(Ti0.94Sn0.06)O3 piezoceramics prepared from Nanopowders, Chitra, R. Laishram, S. Rajput, and K Chandramani Singh, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, (Elsevier, ISSN: 0925-8388), 812, 152128, 2020 • Size effect of nanoscale powders on the polarization of the BCZT piezoceramic: A pyroelectric and fatigue perspective, Shreya Mittal and K. Chandramani Singh, Integrated Ferroelectrics (Taylor & Francis, ISSN 1058-4587), 205(1), 122-130, 2020. • Role of Y3+ ion substitution in the enhanced electrical properties of Ba(0.9-x)Yx Ca0.1Zr0.07Ti0.93O3 lead-free piezoceramics, Shreya Mittal, I. Chaturvedi and K. Chandramani Singh, Journal of Materials Science: Mater Electron (Springer, ISSN: 0957-4522), 30(21), 19578–86, 2019. • Enhanced Electrical activity induced by High-energy Milling in Lead-Free BCST Piezoceramics,Chitra, K Chandramani Singh, Materials Letters (Elsevier, ISSN: 0167-577X), 256, 126664, 2019. • Two-step poling for improved piezoelectric properties in lead-free (Ba0.88Ca0.12) (Ti0.94Sn0.06)O3 ceramic system, Chitra, A. Vashishtha and K Chandramani Singh, Integrated Ferroelectrics (Taylor & Francis, ISSN 1058-4587) 202(1), 134-143, 2019. • Size effect of nano-scale powders on the microstructure and electrical properties of Ba0.85Ca0.15 Zr0.1Ti0.9O3 ceramics, Shreya Mittal, S. Pahi and K. Chandramani Singh, Journal of Materials Science: Mater Electron (Springer, ISSN: 0957-4522), 30(16), 15493-15503, 2019. • Modification of spinel system Mg2TiO4 with Al3+ and Ca2+ substitution, R. Laishram, K. Chandramani Singh, C. Prakash, Integrated Ferroelectrics (Taylor & Francis, ISSN 1058-4587), 194:1, 75-79, 2019. • Impact of crystal structure and microstructure on electrical properties of Ho doped lead-free BCST piezoceramics, Chitra, A. Khandelwal, R. Gupta, R. Laishram, K. Chandramani Singh, Ceramics International (Elsevier, ISSN: 0272-8842), 45, 10371–10379, 2019. • Enhanced piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties of Nd doped Ba0.85Ca0.15Zr0.1Ti0.9O3 ceramic system, Shreya Mittal & K. Chandramani Singh, Integrated ferroelectrics (Taylor & Francis, ISSN 1058-4587), 194:1, 115-125, 2019. • Effect of holmium doping on structural, electrical and piezoelectric properties of lead-free (Ba,Ca) (Ti,Sn)O3 ceramics, Chitra, R. Laishram, A. Vashishtha, M. K. Singh, K. K. Chandra and K. Chandramani Singh, Journal of Materials Science: Mater Electron (Springer, ISSN: 0957-4522), 30(4), 3965–3972, 2019. • Multi-phase coexistence in yttrium-substituted Ba0.9Ca0.1Zr0.07Ti0.93O3 lead-free piezoceramics, Shreya Mittal, R. Laishram and K Chandramani Singh, Ceramics International (Elsevier, ISSN: 0272-8842), 45(1), 1237-1245, 2019. • Dysprosium doping on Structural and Electrical properties of Lead Free (Ba0.7Ca0.3)(Ti0.92Sn0.08)O3 Ceramic System, Chitra, K. Chandramani Singh, Journal of Materials Science: Mater Electron (Springer, ISSN: 0957-4522), 29, 17630–17637, 2018. • Compositional optimization of lead-free (Ba1-xCax)(Ti1-ySny)O3 ceramics:a structural and electrical perspective, Chitra, K. Chandramani Singh, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, (Elsevier, ISSN: 0925-8388), 765, 869-877, 2018. • Improved electrical properties of lead-free neodymium doped Ba0.85Ca0.15Zr0.1Ti0.9O3 piezoceramics, Shreya Mittal, R. Laishram, K. Chandramani Singh, Materials Research Bulletin (Elsevier, ISSN: 0025-5408), 105, 253-259, May 2018 • Structural, dielectric and ferroelectric properties of dysprosium doped (Ba0.7Ca0.3) (Ti0.92 Sn0.08)O3 lead free ceramics, Chitra, K. Chandramani Singh, Ferroelectrics (Taylor & Francis, ISSN: 0015-0193), 518, 1-10, 2017. • Study of dielectric and piezoelectric properties of neodymium doped Ba(0.85- x)NdxCa0.15Zr0.1Ti0.9O3 ceramics, Shreya Mittal, R. Laishram, K. Chandramani Singh, Ferroelectrics (Taylor & Francis, ISSN: 0015-0193), 517, 141-149, 2017. • Alkaline niobate nanocrystalline powders produced by high energy ball milling and their corresponding ceramics, Chongtham Jiten & K. Chandramani Singh, Materials Today: Proceedings (Elsevier, ISSN: 2214-7853), 5, 16300–16305, 2018. • Effect of Manganese doping on ferrroelectric properties of (K0.485Na0.5Li0.015) (Nb0.98V0.02)O3 lead-free piezoceramic, C. Jiten, R. Laishram, K. Chandramani Singh, International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Sciences (World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, eISSN: 1307-6892), 11(6), 434-438, 2017. • (Na0.5K0.5)NbO3 nanocrystalline powders produced by high energy ball milling and corresponding ceramics, C. Jiten, Mahima Rawat, Angana Bhattacharya, K. Chandramani Singh, Materials Research Bulletin (Elsevier, ISSN: 0025-5408), 90, 162–169, 2017. • Effect of vanadium substitution on electrical and piezoelectric properties of lead-free (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3 ceramics, C. Jiten, K. Chandramani Singh, Journal of Materials Science: Mater Electron (Springer, ISSN: 0957-4522), 28, 507–513, 2017. • Enhanced dielectric loss of Mg doped Ba0.7Sr0. 3TiO3 ceramics, Radhapiyari Laishram, K. Chandramani Singh, Chandra Prakash, Ceramics International, (Elsevier, ISSN: 0272-8842), 42(13), 14970–14975, 2016. • Effect of sintering temperature on the microstructural, dielectric, ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties of (Na0.5K0.5)NbO3 ceramics prepared from nanoscale powders, C. Jiten, R. Gaur, R. Laishram, K. Chandramani Singh, Ceramics International, (Elsevier, ISSN: 0272-8842), 42, 14135–14140, 2016. • Control of Coring Effect in BaTi4O9 Microwave Dielectric Ceramics by Doping with Mn4+, R. Laishram, R. Gaur, K. Chandramani Singh, C. Prakash, Ceramics International, (Elsevier, ISSN: 0272-8842), 42(4), 5286–5290, 2016.