Dr. Rahul Thakur

Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
Educational Qualifications
- Ph.D. Mathematics (Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi, Delhi)
Areas of Specialization
- Continuous and Discrete Topological Dynamical Systems, Topology, Analysis
- Real Analysis, Algebra, Calculus, Group Theory and General Mathematics
Administrative roles/ responsibilities
Courses Taught
1. Arpit Mahajan, Rahul Thakur and Ruchi Das, “Multi-sensitivity with respect to a vector for semiflows defined on Hausdorff uniform spaces”, Semigroup Forum, (2023), https://doi.org/10.1007/s00233-022-10335-w.
2. Rahul Thakur and Ruchi Das, “On variants of n-sensitivity in semiflows”, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 28(8) (2022), 1039-1053.
3. Rahul Thakur and Ruchi Das, “Sensitivity and chaos on product and on hyperspatial semiflows”, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 27(1) (2021), 1-15.
4. Rahul Thakur and Ruchi Das, “Strongly Ruelle-Takens, strongly Auslander-Yorke and Poincare Chaos on Semiflows”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 81 (2020), 105018.
5. Rahul Thakur and Ruchi Das, “Transitivity and sensitivity of iterated function systems via Furstenberg families”, Aequationes mathematicae, 94(6) (2020), 1123-1140.
6. Rahul Thakur and Ruchi Das, “Multi-sensitivity with respect to a vector for semiflows”, Semigroup Forum, 101, 2(2020), 452-464.
7. Rahul Thakur and Ruchi Das, “Stronger forms of sensitivity on product dynamical system via Furstenberg families”, Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica, 56(4) (2019), 440-453.
8. Rahul Thakur and Ruchi Das, “Devaney chaos and stronger forms of sensitivity on the product of semiflows”, Semigroup Forum, 98(3) (2019), 631–644.