Dr. Nisha Bohra

Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
Educational Qualifications
- Ph.D. in Mathematics
- BSc, MSc, MPhil
Areas of Specialization
- Geometric Function Theory
Administrative roles/ responsibilities
- Member of NAAC team (Criteria-III)
- Member of the team constituted to fill the Questionnaire for OUTLOOK-ICARE Professional Colleges Survey’20 and for INDIA TODAY- MDRA Best Colleges Ranking-2021
- In charge of the magazine committee, released Issue-4 and Issue-5 of the Annual Magazine-MathLife of the Department of Mathematics, SVC in the academic years 2015-16 and 2017-18
- Member of IQAC committee of the Department of Mathematics, SVC for the academic year 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21
- Member of time table committee of the college for the academic year 2017-18
Courses Taught
- Linear Algebra, Ring Theory and Linear Algebra-I, Ring Theory and Linear Algebra-II, Group Theory- I, Group Theory-II, Theory of Real functions, Riemann Integration and series of functions, Complex analysis, Metric Spaces.
Nisha Bohra and Kanchan Joshi, Strongly Prime and *- Prime Crossed Products, Beitrӓge zur Algebra und Geometrie /contributions to Algebra and Geometry, Volume 57(2016), Issue 3, pp 561–571
Nisha Bohra and V. Ravichandran, On confluent hypergeometric functions and generalized Bessel functions, Analysis Mathematica (2017), Volume 43 (2017), no. 4, 533-545.
Nisha Bohra and V. Ravichandran, Schwarzian derivative and Janowski convexity, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Mathematica, Volume 62 (2017), no. 2, 197-204.
Nisha Bohra and V. Ravichandran, Radii problems for normalized Bessel functions of first kind, Computational Methods Function Theory, (2017), Volume 18 (2018), Issue 1, pp 99-123.
Nisha Bohra, Sushil Kumar, V. Ravichandran, Some Special Differential Subordination, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Volume 48 (2019) Issue 4, Pages 1017 – 1034.
O.P. Ahuja, Ascena Cetinkaya, Nisha Bohra, On a class of q-bi-univalent functions of complex order related to shell-like curves connected with Fibonacci numbers, Honam Mathematical J. 42 (2020), No. 2, pp. 319–330.
O.P. Ahuja, Nisha Bohra, A. Cetinkaya, and S. Kumar, Univalent functions associated with the symmetric points and cardiod shaped domain involving (p,q) calculus, Kyungpook Math. J. (accepted for publication)