Dr. Nuti Namita

Assistant Professor
Department of History
Educational Qualifications
- Pursuing Ph.D. from Jamia Milia Islamia
- M.A in Modern Indian History from Delhi University (1993)
- UGC -NET in History (1995)
Areas of Specialization
- Modern Indian History
Administrative roles/ responsibilities
- I have also assumed responsibilities as History Association In-charge to coordinate the activities of the students.
Courses Taught
- History of Modern China and Japan, Delhi Through the Ages, Issues in 20th century World, Making of Contemporary India
1. Research article- Gandhi in South Africa :Diplomacy and Beyond Plus January 2019 UPENG/2019/73622 2. Research article- Role of Community Radio in Disaster Management and Climate Change :YOJANA January 2020 ISSN-0971-8400