Prof. Rina Ramdev

Department of English
Educational Qualifications
- PhD, JNU
- BA Hons, MA, MPhil Delhi University
Areas of Specialization
- The politics of postcoloniality, the writings of Arundhati Roy, and the relationship between literature and political resistance.
Administrative roles/ responsibilities
- Convenor Women’s Development Cell
- Convenor English Literary Association
- Treasurer, IACLALS-Indian Association of Commonwealth Language and Literature. 2010 - 2014
- Secretary IACLALS-Indian Association of Commonwealth Language and Literature.2014 - 2020
- Jury Member for The Hindu Best Playwright Award 2014, 2017, 2018
Courses Taught
- Women's Writing, British Literature 17-18 Century, Indian Writing in English
Co-editor, Sentiment, Politics, Censorship: The State of Hurt. Sage, 2016
“Arundhati Roy and the Framing of a ‘radicalised’ Dissent”, in Rule and Resistance Beyond the Nation State: Contestation, Escalation, Exit. Ed Felix Anderl, Christopher Daase et al. Roman & Littlefield, 2019.
“Audit cultures and the Indian University as Credit-Capital” in The Idea of the University Histories and Contexts. Ed Debaditya Bhattacharya. Routledge, 2018 The Ciphered Knot: Reading through the many impasses in Marquez’ Chronicle of a Death Foretold. Dialog 40, Autumn. 183-194. 202
Propositions for Sustainable Futures in Durgabai Vyam and Subhash Vyam’s Bhimayana. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology, Vol 20, Issue 1. 67-80. ISSN 2065-5002. 2023
Social Justice and the Humanities Classroom. Inclusive Journal, 183-189. EISSN 22789758. 2022
Reading Subalternity: An Act of Radical Self-Critique. Women’s Link Journal. Vol 30-1, 76-83. 2023
Edited, Sidney, Spenser and Donne: A Critical Introduction. Worldview Press, 2001
“Frankenstein in the Classroom- A Cultural Perspective” in (Ed) Anjana Sharma, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein: Interrogating Gender, Culture and Identity. Macmillan, 2004.
June 2023, “Reading Caste Visually in the Bhimayana” Dept of East Asian Studies, Tel Aviv University Israel
April 2022, “Tribal pictographic traditions from India and storytelling through Gond Art” Eurasia Foundation Lecture Series University of Burgos, Burgos - Spain
March 2022, “India’s Shadow Pandemic” Eurasia Foundation Lecture Series Complutense University, Madrid - Spain.
November 2021, “Women and the Pandemic” Eurasia Foundation Lecture Series University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu - Finland
May 2021, “Is Another World Possible?/ Fault Lines and New Vulnerabilities in the Pandemic Present” Eurasia Lecture Series Burgos University - Spain.
May 2021, "Reading the Adivasi Mythic Universe against the Anthropocene”, One Asia Foundation Lecture Series Complutense University, Madrid - Spain.
April 2020, “The Pandemic is a Portal” One Asia Foundation Lecture Series Complutense University, Madrid - Spain.
February 2019, “Women, Politics and the University Campus” Eurasia Foundation Lecture Series University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu - Finland
August 2017,” Fundamental Freedoms, Democracy and Dissent” Ambedkar University New Delhi
June 2017, “The Death Grip of Autonomy and the Anxieties of Ranking and Excellence” University of Aarhus - Denmark.
June 2017, participated in an Author’s Workshop for publication of paper at Goethe University, Frankfurt - Germany
May 2017, “The Crisis of the University” One Asia Foundation Lecture Series Complutense University, Madrid - Spain.
May 2017, “Exit and Withdrawal: The Unmaking of a Resistance Politics” University of Cardiff. UK
May 2016, “Arundhati Roy and the framing of a Radicalized Dissent” Goethe University, Frankfurt - Germany
May 2014 Co-authored, "The State of Hurt" at EMOPOLIS workshop on "When Ideas and Art Hurt” Paris - France.
March 2013 Co-authored, "The Indian Troubadour: Circuits of Authorship and Patronage in the Age of the Literary Festival" at the UGC SAP National Seminar on The Indian World[s] of English Literature at CES, JNU
October 2012 Co-authored, "Of JAB and Hurt: Exploring Spaces of Resistance at the University" at SVC-UGC National Conference, "The State of Hurt: Politics, Sentiment, Censorship"
May 2012 "Being Arundhati Roy: the Writer and the Contemporary Literary Marketplace" at “The 11th Annual Conference of Asian Studies in Israel 2012” Tel Aviv University Israel.
December 2011 " The importance of being seen and heard: Writers and visuality in the contemporary literary marketplace" at the “Visual Cultures in Contemporary India Conference”, Aarhus University, Denmark
November 2011 “’Step[ping] across this Line’ and Crossing many Others: Salman Rushdie and the Personal/Political Idiosyncrasies of the Public Intellectual” at “Other Indias: The Richness of Indian Multiplicity”, 2nd AEEII Conference Tenerife, Canaries, SPAIN
November 2011 Doctoral Lectures on "The Culture Industry in the Postcolony: Readings beyond the Mediatized Consumption of Indian Writing in English" at Complutense University, Madrid Spain
April 2010, "‘Who’s afraid of Arundhati Roy: A reading of Roy’s activism and position within postcolonial debates in India’ at the AAS/ICAS Conference, Honolulu Hawaii
September 2011, ‘Who’s afraid of Arundhati Roy: A reading of Roy’s activism and position within public debates in India’ at the Lalita Subbu Memorial Lecture, Hindu College, Delhi University, Delhi
January 2011, ‘Writer –activist…this double-barrelled appellation’, Comparative Cultural Studies: Towards New Postcolonial Paradigms, IACLALS Conference, Trivandrum, India.
October 2011, “Understanding Contemporary Indian Feminism”, WSDC Lecture, Jesus and Mary College, Delhi University, New Delhi.
May 2006, “The new Sofa -bed: Arundhati Roy and Githa Hariharan as Writer-Activists, Sexual Politics in the Global South, University of Kent, U.K.
April 2006, “The Algebra of Infinite Power and Resistance in the Writings of Arundhati Roy”, University of Westminster, U.K.
“Amazing Mix the English We speak- The Use of Language in Contemporary Indian English Novels”, at an International Conference organized by the Department of English, Delhi University, 1997.
“Gender Politics and Chronicle of a Death Foretold”, Contemporary Literature Conference, Janki Devi Mahavidyalaya, Delhi University, Delhi.
“Understanding Marquez through Magic Realism” at a workshop organized by the Department of English, Indraprastha College
“Karna the tragic hero in the Mahabharata” a presentation for students of BA Hons Department of History, Delhi University.
“Locating Agatha Christie in the Golden Age of Detective Fiction”, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, 2001.
“The Writer as Activist” paper presented at a Conference organized for visiting Danish teachers, New Delhi.
“Reading Aurora Leigh”, Kirori Mal College, Delhi University.
“A Postmodernist Reading of Arundhati Roy’s Activism”, Ramjas College, Delhi University.
• April 2022, “Tribal pictographic traditions from India and storytelling through Gond Art” Eurasia Foundation Lecture Series University of Burgos, Burgos - Spain • March 2022, “India’s Shadow Pandemic” Eurasia Foundation Lecture Series Complutense University, Madrid - Spain. • November 2021, “Women and the Pandemic” Eurasia Foundation Lecture Series University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu - Finland • May 2021, “Is Another World Possible?/ Fault Lines and New Vulnerabilities in the Pandemic Present” Eurasia Lecture Series Burgos University - Spain. • May 2021, "Reading the Adivasi Mythic Universe against the Anthropocene”, One Asia Foundation Lecture Series Complutense University, Madrid - Spain. • April 2020, “The Pandemic is a Portal” One Asia Foundation Lecture Series Complutense University, Madrid - Spain. • February 2019, “Women, Politics and the University Campus” Eurasia Foundation Lecture Series University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu - Finland • August 2017,” Fundamental Freedoms, Democracy and Dissent” Ambedkar University New Delhi • June 2017, “The Death Grip of Autonomy and the Anxieties of Ranking and Excellence” University of Aarhus - Denmark. • June 2017, participated in an Author’s Workshop for publication of paper at Goethe University, Frankfurt - Germany • May 2017, “The Crisis of the University” One Asia Foundation Lecture Series Complutense University, Madrid - Spain. • May 2017, “Exit and Withdrawal: The Unmaking of a Resistance Politics” University of Cardiff. UK • May 2016, “Arundhati Roy and the framing of a Radicalized Dissent” Goethe University, Frankfurt - Germany • May 2014 Co-authored, "The State of Hurt" at EMOPOLIS workshop on "When Ideas and Art Hurt” Paris - France. • March 2013 Co-authored, "The Indian Troubadour: Circuits of Authorship and Patronage in the Age of the Literary Festival" at the UGC SAP National Seminar on The Indian World[s] of English Literature at CES, JNU • October 2012 Co-authored, "Of JAB and Hurt: Exploring Spaces of Resistance at the University" at SVC-UGC National Conference, "The State of Hurt: Politics, Sentiment, Censorship" • May 2012 "Being Arundhati Roy: the Writer and the Contemporary Literary Marketplace" at “The 11th Annual Conference of Asian Studies in Israel 2012” Tel Aviv University Israel. • December 2011 " The importance of being seen and heard: Writers and visuality in the contemporary literary marketplace" at the “Visual Cultures in Contemporary India Conference”, Aarhus University, Denmark • November 2011 “’Step[ping] across this Line’ and Crossing many Others: Salman Rushdie and the Personal/Political Idiosyncrasies of the Public Intellectual” at “Other Indias: The Richness of Indian Multiplicity”, 2nd AEEII Conference Tenerife, Canaries, SPAIN • November 2011 Doctoral Lectures on "The Culture Industry in the Postcolony: Readings beyond the Mediatized Consumption of Indian Writing in English" at Complutense University, Madrid Spain • April 2010, "‘Who’s afraid of Arundhati Roy: A reading of Roy’s activism and position within postcolonial debates in India’ at the AAS/ICAS Conference, Honolulu Hawaii • September 2011, ‘Who’s afraid of Arundhati Roy: A reading of Roy’s activism and position within public debates in India’ at the Lalita Subbu Memorial Lecture, Hindu College, Delhi University, Delhi • January 2011, ‘Writer –activist…this double-barreled appellation’, Comparative Cultural Studies: Towards New Postcolonial Paradigms, IACLALS Conference, Trivandrum, India. • October 2011, “Understanding Contemporary Indian Feminism”, WSDC Lecture, Jesus and Mary College, Delhi University, New Delhi. • May 2006, “The new Sofa -bed: Arundhati Roy and Githa Hariharan as Writer-Activists, Sexual Politics in the Global South, University of Kent, U.K. • April 2006, “The Algebra of Infinite Power and Resistance in the Writings of Arundhati Roy”, University of Westminster, U.K. • “Amazing Mix the English We speak- The Use of Language in Contemporary Indian English Novels”, at an International Conference organized by the Department of English, Delhi University, 1997.