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Dr. Neeru Kumar

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Associate Professor Department of Electronics

Educational Qualifications

  • PhD , MPhil (Electronics) Department of Electronics South Campus
  • M.Sc (Electronics) Department of Electronics South Campus

Areas of Specialization

  • Semiconductors and Photovoltaics

Administrative roles/ responsibilities

    1.	Convener Science Fest held on 3rd March 2020. The festival was a combined event for all the science departments Electronics, Physics, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biological Science, Botany, Zoology and Life Sciences.
    2.	Convener Green Technology Exhibition during VISTAAR 2019- a One day science popularization initiative organized by Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi, on 1st November, 2019 sponsored by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India.
    3.	Member of the college Magazine committee. The college magazine was released last year in the NAAC sponsored National Seminar on Higher Education held on 18-19 October 2019. The magazine was released after a break of two years due to the hard work of the all the members.
    4.	Member of the Attendance Screening Committee twice. One presently and once earlier and have always emphasized on the attendance of students as a primary requisition for learning.
    5.	Presently a member of the Library committee we propose to initiate minor changes related to the immediate requirement only because of the paucity of resources and space.
    6.	I have also been a member of Academic Planning Committee and we as a team ensured fair distribution of the workload.

Courses Taught

  • Semiconductor Devices- II Semester, Digital Electronics and Verilog/VHDL -III Semester, Operational Amplifier and Applications- IV Semester, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers -V Semester, Communication Electronics -VI Semester, Power Electronics - DSE, Semiconductor Fabrication and Characterization –DSE, Electrical Machines –DSE
  • Award
  • Research Projects
    Project Coordinator for B.Tech(Electronics) students ,the onetime course in the college. We had a real enthusiastic group of students who put in a lot of hard work. For their projects which were mandatory part of the last semester we had around nine projects that were outlined and students were divided into groups, with each group having four students. Out of the nine projects two of the groups were selected to participate in the “National conference for recent development in electronics (NCRDE)-2017”.
    1.	Hand gesture to text/voice (Divyang Mitra) by Aash Mohd., Ishan Goel, Altamash Abdul Rahim and Saurav Pratap Singh. 
    2.	Design and Development of Autonomous Robot by Akanshu Mahajan, Pradeep & Varun Bharti. 
    	Design and Development of Autonomous Robot by Akanshu Mahajan, Pradeep & Varun Bharti won 1stprize.  I have always been associated with projects done by the students ever since I joined the college primarily because of my passion to make students excel in hardware learning and implementation.