Assistant Professor
Department of Commerce
Educational Qualifications
- Ph. D from Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, 2017
- M. Com from Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, 2008
- UGC NET/JRF, 2008
Areas of Specialization
- Marketing, Auditing and Corporate Governance
Administrative roles/ responsibilities
• Admission procedure of Undergraduate students • Convenor, Industrial Visit Committee • Convenor, Webinar/ Seminar Committee • Convenor, AQAR and Academic Audit at Department Level • Member, Core Team of NAAC at College Level • Member, Extension Activities Committee (Taught ITR filing to Non-Teaching Staff Members) • Member, FDP Committee • Member, COMSOC, Commerce Association • Invigilation Duties for theory and practical examinations (semester as well as annual) in Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi. • Appointed as Internal examiner for computer practical examinations and Income Tax for in Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi.
Courses Taught
- B.com(H) and B.Com
RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS: 1. “A Study of Consumer Behavior towards Genetically Modified Foods and the moderating effects of Health Consciousness”, VISION, 2018, Vol-22 (3), pp:306-315. 2. “Online Reviews, Consumer Confusion and Cognitive Dissonance: Need for Cognition and Self Efficacy as Moderators”, International Journal of Management, Administration, Leadership & Education, Edition: Vol. 4 (No. 1), January - June, 2018 (Part - II) ISSN: 2394-661X, pp:326. 3. “Representation of Women in Advertising”, International Journal of Management, Administration, Leadership & Education, Edition: Vol 4 (No. 1), January - June, 2018 (Part - II) ISSN: 2394-661X, pp:344. 4. “A Study of Consumer Behavior Towards Organic Food and the Moderating Effects of Health Consciousness”, The IUP Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 4 XVI, No. 3, 2017. 5. “An Empirical study on impact of Company’s practicing CSR on consumer behavior”, Journal of Commerce and Business Studies, Special Issue, pp: 45-66. 6. “An empirical study of employee engagement and customer satisfaction in banking sector”, Journal of Business Thought, Vol. 8, pp: 83-103, April, 2017. BOOK PUBLICATIONS 1. Principles of Marketing, Scholar Tech Press, ISBN: 978-93-82209-62-1 2. Auditing and Corporate Governance, Scholar Tech Press, ISBN: 978-93-87273-05-4 3. Business Organization and Management, Scholar Tech Press, ISBN: 978-93-87273-57-3 PAPER PRESENTATION 1. 8th AIM-AMA Sheth Foundation, Doctoral Consortium and Conference, 3-6th a. Jan 2020, Moderating Effects of Health Consciousness on Consumer behavior towards b. RTE Foods by Neha Singhal and Shveta Kalra. 2. 8th AIM-AMA Sheth Foundation, Doctoral Consortium and Conference, 3-6th 3. Jan 2020, Impact of AR Media on Brand Imagery: Mediating role of EV and moderating role of Cognitive, Affective and Sociablility Variables by Kavita Sharma, Shveta Kalra and Neha Singhal. 4. “AIDA Analysis of Swach Bharat Abhiyan:Role of Behavioral Antecedents”, 7th International Conference on Sustainability, IIM Shillong, 2018. 5. “Impact of Social Media on Perceived Political Brand Value”, 6th Annual International Commerce Conference, Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, 2018. 6. “An Empirical study on Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Consumer Behavior”, 5th Annual International Commerce Conference, Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, 2017. 7. An empirical study on Impact of CSR on Consumer behavior, 4th Annual Commerce Convention held at Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi. 8. Corporate Governance- A Question of Ethics, National Seminar held on Corporate Governance at Guru Gobind Singh College, University of Delhi. 9. Emerging Issues in Retailing, 3rd Annual Commerce Convention held at Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi. 10. A study on interrelationships between corporate governance and corporate social responsibility and their impact on consumer behavior. National Seminar On Corporate Governance: Perspectives and Practices”. LakshmiBai College, 18 – 19 September, 2014. 11. An Empirical Study Of Employee Engagement And Customer Satisfaction In Banking Sector. National Seminar on Emerging HR practices for Organizational Excellence, Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College, University of Delhi, 24-25th March. 2015. 12. Impact of CSR on Consumer behavior. National Seminar. Ramanujan College, University of Delhi.
BEST PAPERS AWARDS RECEIVED • 8th AIM-AMA Sheth Foundation, Doctoral Consortium and Conference, 3-6th Jan 2020, Moderating Effects of Health Consciousness on Consumer behavior towards RTE Foods by Neha Singhal and Shveta Kalra. • 8th AIM-AMA Sheth Foundation, Doctoral Consortium and Conference, 3-6th Jan 2020, Impact of AR Media on Brand Imagery: Mediating role of EV and moderating role of Cognitive, Affective and Sociablility Variables by Kavita Sharma, Shveta Kalra and Neha Singhal • 6th Annual International Commerce Conference on Digital Outreach and Future of Marketing Practices, Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, 2018.