Dr. Shikha Gulati

Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
Educational Qualifications
- M. Sc., Ph. D.
Areas of Specialization
- Inorganic Chemistry, Nano-materials, Green Chemistry, Catalysis, Analytical Chemistry, etc.
Administrative roles/ responsibilities
- Member, Departmental Committee, Magazine committee, Chemical Society, Wall Magazine
Courses Taught
- B. Sc. (H) Chemistry, B. Sc. (Life Sciences)
1. S. Gulati, P. Singh, A. Diwan, A. Mongia and Sanjay Kumar, Functionalized gold nanoparticles: promising and efficient diagnostic and therapeutic tools for HIV/ AIDS, RSC Medicinal Chemistry, 2020, 11, 1252–1266. 2. Sanjay Kumar, S. Shukla, S. Gulati et al. “Chalcone Scaffolds as Anticancer Drugs: A Review on Molecular Insight in Action of Mechanisms and Anticancer Properties”, Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2020, 20, 1. IF- 2.18. 3. Sanjay Kumar, S. Gulati, et al. “Emerging theranostic gold nanostructures to combat cancer: Novel probes for Combinatorial Immunotherapy and Photothermal Therapy”, Cancer Treatment and Research Communication, 2020, 25, 100258. 4. Sanjay Kumar, Anchita Diwan, Ayush Mongia, S. Gulati* et al., “Functionalized Gold nanostructures: Promising gene delivery vehicles in cancer treatment", RSC Advances, 2019, 9, 23894-23907. IF 3.049. 5. Sanjay Kumar, L. Saya, H. C. Tandon, Shikha Gulati, “Intramolecular excited state proton transfer in biologically active flavones: A combined experimental and theoretical study”, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2019, 31, 971-976. 6. Shikha Gulati, Divya Lamba, H.C. Tandon, “Molecular Orbital Study of Flouroaryl Substituted Amino-Borane Dimers: Geometry, Energetics and Reactivity”, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2019, 31, 1785-1790. 7. Pant, P., Bansal, R., S. Gulati, et al. “Porous and chelated nanostructured multifunctional materials: recoverable and reusable sorbents for extraction of metal ions and catalysts for diverse organic reactions”, J Nanostruct Chem, 2016, 6, 145–157. Books/Book Chapters 1. Shikha Gulati, S. Shukla, S. Kumar, Practical Green Chemistry, Strategies, Tools & Experiments, SKP Publishers and Distributors, ISBN No.: 9789385329456. 2019. 2. S. Shukla, Shikha Gulati, S. Kumar, A textbook of Green Chemistry, Benign by Design, SKP Publishers and Distributors, ISBN No.: 9789385329449. 2019. 3. Shikha Gulati, J.L. Sharma, S. Manocha, Practical Inorganic Chemistry, CBS Publishers and Distributors, ISBN No.: 9789386310880. 2017. 4. S.K., V.K. & Shikha Gulati, Experiments in Physical Chemistry, Book Age Publications, 2017, ISBN: 978-93-83281-15-2. 5. S. Manocha, Shikha Gulati, Laboratory Manual for Quantitative Inorganic Analysis, Studies in Sciences: An imprint of Aarti Book centre, India, ISBN No. 9789383529056. 2015. 6. Shikha Gulati, S. Kumar, P. Singh, A. Diwan, and A. Mongia, Biocompatible Chitosan-Coated Gold Nanoparticles: Novel, Efficient, and Promising Nanosystems for Cancer Treatment, Handbook of Polymer and Ceramic Nanotechnology, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-10614-0_56-1 Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020. 7. R.K.S., Shikha Gulati, A. Puri, Green Chemistry Solutions to Water Pollution: S. Ahuja (ed.) Water Reclamation and Sustainability, 2014, Pages 57-75, United States of America: Elsevier. (Book Chapter)