Prof(Dr.) Sanjay Kumar

Department of Chemistry
Educational Qualifications
- M. Sc., M. Phil., Ph. D.
Areas of Specialization
- Nano-materials, Green Chemistry, Molecular spectroscopy, Computational Chemistry and Molecular Immunology, etc.
Administrative roles/ responsibilities
• As Convener of Academic Planning Committee (2 years), Sports Committee (4 years), Admission Committee (1 year) and Placement Cell (5 years) from 2008-2018, • as member of admission committee from 2009-15, PF Committee, ECA, SVCSS, Governing Body of the College (2008-09) etc., • as Teacher- In-Charge of the Department (2015-16).
Courses Taught
- Under Graduate Courses- Physical Chemistry:Ionic Equilibrium, Thermodynamics, Gases,and Liquids, Chemical Kinetics,Solution, Electrochemistry, Quantum Chemistry, Phase Rule, and Computational Chemistry etc.
i) S. Gulati, P. Singh, A. Diwan, A. Mongia and Sanjay Kumar, Functionalized gold nanoparticles: promising and efficient diagnostic and therapeutic tools for HIV/ AIDS, RSC Medicinal Chemistry, 2020, 11, 1252–1266. ii) Sanjay Kumar, S. Shukla, et al. “Chalcone Scaffolds as Anticancer Drugs: A Review on Molecular Insight in Action of Mechanisms and Anticancer Properties”, Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2020, 20, 1. IF- 2.18. iii) Sanjay Kumar, S. Gulati, et al. “Emerging theranostic gold nanostructures to combat cancer: Novel probes for Combinatorial Immunotherapy and Photothermal Therapy”, Cancer Treatment and Research Communication, 2020, 25, 100258. iv) Sanjay Kumar, Anchita Diwan, Ayush Mongia et al., “Functionalized Gold nanostructures: Promising gene delivery vehicles in cancer treatment", RSC Advances, 2019, 9, 23894-23907. IF 3.049. v) Sanjay Kumar, L. Saya, H. C. Tandon, Shikha Gulati, “Intramolecular excited state proton transfer in biologically active flavones: A combined experimental and theoretical study”, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2019, 31, 971-976. vi) S. Madhur, Varnika Agarwal, Akansha Pant, Vinita Kapoor, Kailash C Pandey, Sanjay Kumar, “Anti-plasmodial activity of silver nanoparticles: A novel green synthesis approach”, Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 2018, 8, 268-272. IF 1.587. vii) Sanjay Kumar, Vinita K. , Bansal R., Tandon H. C., “Ground and excited state dipole moments of some flavones using solvatochromic methods: An experimental and theoretical study”, Journal of Molecular structure, 2018, 1158, 308-313, IF 2.12. viii) Pant, P., Bansal, R., Sanjay Kumar, Kodwani, R., “Porous and Chelated nanostructured multifunctional materials: Recoverable and reusable sorbents for extraction of metal ions and catalysts for diverse organic reactions”, Journal of Nanostructures in Chemistry, 2016, 6, 145-57, IF 4.077. ix) Sanjay Kumar, Sharma, R., “A Review on Mechanisms of Anti-Tumor Activity of Chalcones”, Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2016, 16, 200-211. IF 2.18. Books/Chapters (Authored) A. Sanjay Kumar Batra, K. Batra, Harpreet Kaur, and P. Pant, “Environmental Studies”, Taxmann Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2015, ISBN: 9789350717363. B. Sanjay Kumar Batra, K. Batra, and P. Pant, “Environmental Science”, Taxmann Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2016, ISBN: 9789386635303. C. Sanjay Kumar Batra, V. Kapoor and S. Gulati, “Experiments in Physical Chemistry”, Book Age Publications, New Delhi, 2017, ISBN: 97893583281152. D. S Shukla, S. Gulati, Sanjay Kumar Batra, “A textbook of Green Chemistry; Benign by Design”, S K Parkashan, Delhi. 2019, ISBN: 978-93-85329-44-9. E. S. Gulati, S. Shukla and Sanjay Kumar Batra, “Practical Green Chemistry, Strategies, Tools and Experiment”, 2019, ISBN: 978-93-85329-45-6. F. S. Gulati, Sanjay Kumar, “Handbook of Polymer and Ceramic Nanotechnology Biocompatible Chitosan-Coated Gold Nanoparticles: Novel, Efficient, and Promising Nanosystems for Cancer Treatment” (Chapter), Springer Nature, Switzerland, 2020, Online ISBN 978-3-030-10614-0.