Dr. Pragya Gahlot

Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
Educational Qualifications
- M. Sc., Ph. D.
Areas of Specialization
- Physical Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Molecular Modelling, QSAR, CADD
Administrative roles/ responsibilities
• Member of compilation team for NIRF (2018-2019), NAAC (2017- 2020), PROSPECTUS (2019-2020), INDIA TODAY SURVEY (2018 – 2019),OUTLOOK SURVEY (2018), STAR COLLEGE REPORT (2011-2019) submitted in 2019, • Member of Departmental Committees, • NAAC (2015-2020), Magazine (2015, 2016, 2019), Library, Instrument Maintenance, Stock Verification, Chemical society, Wall magazine
Courses Taught
- B. Sc. (H) Chemistry, B. Sc. (Life Sciences), B. Sc. (H) GE subjects
1. Sharda Pasricha*, Pragya Gahlot, “Synthetic Strategies and Biological Potential of Coumarin-Chalcone Hybrids: A New Dimension to Drug Design”, Current Organic Chemistry, 2020, 24, 402. 2. Sharda Pasricha, Deepti Sharma, Himanshu Ojha, Pragya Gahlot, Mallika Pathak, Mitra Basu, Raman Chawla, Sugandha Singhal, Anju Singh, Rajeev Goel, Shrikant Kukreti, Shefali Shukla, “Luminescence, circular dichroism and in silico studies of binding interaction of synthesized naphthyl chalcone derivatives with bovine serum albumin”, Luminescence, 2017, 32,1252– 1262. 3. Shefali Shukla, Pragya Gahlot, Ameya Khandekar, Arush Agrawal, Sharda Pasricha*, “Exploring Coumarin and Chalcone Analogues as Potential Antimycobacterial Agents”, Anti-Infective Agents, 2017, 15, 69.