Dr. Aditi Kothari Chhajer

Educational Qualifications
- Ph.D. (Commonwealth Split-Site Doctoral Fellow) (University of Rajasthan; Rothamsted Research Institute, UK)
- M.Sc. (Botany) (University of Rajasthan, Gold Medalist)
Areas of Specialization
- Plant Tissue Culture, Agrobacterium-mediated Genetic Transformation
Administrative roles/ responsibilities
- Member, Editorial Board of the Sri Venkateswara College Diamond Jubilee Souvenir Publication released at the Valedictory Function of the SVC Diamond Jubilee on 28 August, 2022
- Co-Convener, Connecting Dreams Foundation chapter at Sri Venkateswara College, 2022.
- Resource person in one day FDP on Digital Pedagogy and Climate Change Education Across Disciplines organized by Sri Venkateswara College in collaboration with TROPICSU on 28 Aug, 2021.
- Convener, Magazine Committee (Verdure), Biological Sciences for the years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022
- Member, Prospectus Committee, Sri Venkateswara College for the year 2019, 2020, 2021
- Co-Convener, National Workshop on Techniques in Plant Sciences held at Sri Venkateswara College from 4-5 December, 2019.
- Member, Magazine Committee (Neerajana), Sri Venkateswara College for years 2018-19.
Courses Taught
- Light and Life, Intellectual Property Rights, Economic Botany and Biotechnology, Cell and Molecular Biology, Genetics, Plant Physiology and Metabolism, Analytical Techniques in Plant Sciences
Mehla N, Kothari Chhajer A, Kumar K, Dahiya S, Mohindroo V (2021) Applications of Antioxidants: A Review. In: Ekiert H.M., Ramawat K.G., Arora J. (eds) Plant Antioxidants and Health. Reference Series in Phytochemistry. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-45299-5_28-1 (ISBN 978-3-030-45299-5)
Bhatt, R., Asopa, P. P., Jain, R., Kothari-Chajer, A., Kothari, S. L., & Kachhwaha, S. (2021). Optimization of Agrobacterium Mediated Genetic Transformation in Paspalum scrobiculatum L.(Kodo Millet). Agronomy, 11(6), 1104. (ISSN: 2073-4395)
Kothari-Chhajer A, Krishna K, Singh H, Bisht D, Mukherjee I, Kashyap A, Rattanpal T, Dhirayan G, Tanwar A, Mishra A, Aggarwal A and Wadhawan S (2017). Growth Stimulation in Wheat and Brinjal by Impact of Water-Soluble Carbon Nanotubes. DU Journal of Undergraduate Research and Innovation 4(1), 14-25 (ISSN 2395-2334)
Kothari-Chhajer A, Samad A, Reema, Vasu K, Karan J, Aditi, Dhiman C and Ray N (2016). Comparative Analysis of Antioxidant Activity in Various Plant Species. DU Journal of Undergraduate Research and Innovation 2(1), 7-12 (ISSN 2395-2334)
Jagga-Chugh S, Kachhwaha S, Sharma M, Kothari-Chajer A, Kothari SL (2012). Optimization of factors influencing microprojectile bombardment-mediated genetic transformation of seed derived callus and regeneration of transgenic plants in Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 109,401-410
Sharma M, Kothari-Chajer A, Jagga-Chugh S and Kothari SL (2011) Factors influencing Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated genetic transformation of Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 105:93-104
E-PROTOCOL Contribution
E-Lesson Plans
Under the aegis of TROP ICSU “Trans-disciplinary Research Oriented Pedagogy for Improving Climate Studies and Understanding”, a program led by International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS) and co-led by International Union For Quaternary Research (INQUA), I created teaching resources which will enable educators to teach a topic in a particular discipline with the help of examples, case studies, and exercises related to climate change
- Wild Strawberry Fruiting and Climate Change (2019)
- Impact of Climate Change on Photosynthesis (2019)
- Abiotic Stress on Plants due to Climate Change (2019)
- “Plant Diseases and Climate Change (2019)
- Phenotypic Plasticity: Coping with Climate Change
Kothari-Chhajer A, Krishna K, Singh H, Bisht D, Mukherjee I, Kashyap A, Rattanpal T, Dhirayan G, Tanwar A, Mishra A, Aggarwal A and Wadhawan S (2017). Growth Stimulation in Wheat and Brinjal by Impact of Water-Soluble Carbon Nanotubes. DU Journal of Undergraduate Research and Innovation 4(1), 14-25 (ISSN 2395-2334)
Kothari-Chhajer A, Samad A, Reema, Vasu K, Karan J, Aditi, Dhiman C and Ray N (2016). Comparative Analysis of Antioxidant Activity in Various Plant Species. DU Journal of Undergraduate Research and Innovation 2(1), 7-12 (ISSN 2395-2334)
Jagga-Chugh S, Kachhwaha S, Sharma M, Kothari-Chajer A, Kothari SL (2012). Optimization of factors influencing microprojectile bombardment-mediated genetic transformation of seed derived callus and regeneration of transgenic plants in Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 109,401-410
Sharma M, Kothari-Chajer A, Jagga-Chugh S and Kothari SL (2011) Factors influencing Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated genetic transformation of Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 105:93-104