Dr. Nimisha Sinha

Assistant Professor
Department of Biochemistry
Educational Qualifications
- PhD, Dept. of Biochemistry, University of Delhi, South Campus, New Delhi
- MSc Maharaja Sayajirao University,Baroda, Gujarat
Areas of Specialization
● Immunodiagnostics of infectious diseases, majorly Tuberculosis. ● Molecular Biology and Recombinant DNA technology ● Construction of phage displayed gene fragment, genome, antibody libraries (Human Antibody libraries). ● Using a phage display based approach for searching potent drug targets and identification of immunodominant regions of proteins deciphering interactome and protein - small molecule interactions. ● Computational biology, docking and studying protein-ligand interactions.
Administrative roles/ responsibilities
● Member, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) (2020-2022) ● Member, Time table committee 2019-2021 ● Member, Freeship and Students aid committee 2019-2021 ● Member, Time table committee 2017-2019 ● Member, Garden Committee 2017-2019 ● Member, Admission Helpdesk committee, 2015-2020 ● Member of team working for NIRF 2021
Courses Taught
Papers Taught at Undergraduate and PG Diploma level: ● Molecular Biology ● Metabolism of Carbohydrates ● Metabolism of Amino Acids and Nucleotides ● Recombinant DNA Technology ● Plant Biochemistry ● Nutritional Biochemistry ● Cell Biology ● Metabolism and Integration ● Biophysics ● Gene Organization Replication and Repair
1. Shrivastava N, Gupta A, Grover P, Chaudhary VK et al. (2013) A Novel Helper Phage Enabling Construction of Genome-Scale ORF-Enriched Phage Display Libraries. PLoS ONE, 8:9, e75212. 2. Chaudhary VK, Shrivastava N, Verma V, Das S, Kaur C, et al. (2014) Rapid Restriction Enzyme-Free Cloning of PCR Products: A High-Throughput Method Applicable for Library Construction. PLoS ONE 9(10): e111538. 3. Filed patent application for “A PROCESS OF PRODUCING ORF-ENRICHED PHAGE DISPLAY LIBRARY AND USES THEREOF.” Application number 2346/DEL/2013. Amita Gupta, Vijay K. Chaudhary and Nimisha Shrivastava. 4. Synthesis of coumarin based triazolyl thiazolidinones and their apoptotic inducer activity against caspase-3. Chem. Biol. Lett., 2019, 6(2), 31-38.
Research Projects
● Co-PI in Indo-Thailand DST project titled “Computational studies of drug targets towards rational design of therapeutics for dengue infection.” (Jan 2019-Jan 2022)-Ongoing ● DU Innovation Project (2017) titled “Synthesis of coumarin based triazolylated thiazolidinone derivatives and to study their apoptotic inducer/inhibitor activity-COMPLETED