Dr. Nandita Narayanasamy

Associate Professor
Department of Biochemistry
Educational Qualifications
- PhD in Biochemistry (1996), Maharaja Sayajirao University (MSU), Vadodara
- MSc Biochemistry (1988), MSU, Vadodara
Areas of Specialization
- Public healthy Biology, Nutritional and clinical Biochemistry, Infectious biology and immunology and Genetics
Administrative roles/ responsibilities
a. Member Science association S. V. College from 1997- 2004 b. Organized a panel discussion on Drug abuse,2001 c. Member organizing committee for two day inter collegiate science festival d. Organized panel discussion on Dropsy, 2002 e. Member of the organizing committee for a 2day symposia titled ‘Ayurveda to Nanotechnology’2003. f. Convener of “Catalysis” the Biochemistry society in 2006-07 ,Organized a panel discussion on Host pathogen co evolution 2007 g. Co Convenor for a 6 day workshop on molecular cell biology Techniques titled ‘National Summer School on Molecular Cell Biology(NSSMCB)’(2008). h. Convener QUEST 2011-2012, organized by CSEC, University of Delhi. Member QUEST-2003-15 organizing committee. i. Resource person in” Immunis : National Workshop on immunological techniques “ organized by Sri Venkateswara college , May 2012. j. Resource person in” Basic Enzymology Workshop”organized by Sri Venkateswara college for staff of chemistry department of all Delhi University colleges, March 2012. k. Resource person in” Basic Laboratory techniques “workshop organized by Sri Venkateswara college for Laboratory staff 2011 and 2017 l. Co-Coordinator Central evaluation center, Sri Venkateswara College, May- June 2015, May- June 2016, Nov- Dec-2016, May- June 2017, Nov-Dec 2017, May- June 2018. m. Co- Cordinator Central evaluation center, School of open learning, Sri Venkateswara College, June 2014. n. Member, Fine arts Committee, Sri Venkateswara college,2015-2017 o. Sri Venkateswara College 2011-2015. Coordinated “Sri Vidya” School Visit under DBT Star College Status (2016) p. Convenor- SEAM 2017 (Symposium and exhibition on alternative medicine) organized by Catalysis- Biochemical society of Sri Venkateswara college q. Editor of ‘Expressions’ Biochemistry Department magazine 2005-2019 except 2013 and 2009. r. Convener of ‘Amalgam’ Biochemistry Department intercollege event 2010- 2021 s. Convener “MindSpar, 2018”, “Mindspar 2.0,2019”, Mindspar 3.0,2021 t. Convenor “VISTAAR-Venkateswara Initiatives in Science Training in Academics And Research,2019” a DBT sponsored Science popularization program. u. Member, Library Committee, Sri Venkateswara College, 2017-2021 v. Garden and sustainable development committee- Convener 2011-2015; Member 2019-2021. w. College Magazine ‘Neerajana’ committee-Convener 2009-2011; Member2013-3015 and 2019-2021. x. Warden (Padmavati Girls hostel) 2015-current
Courses Taught
- Genetics, Endocrinology, Human Physiology, Membrane biology, Defense mechanism in living systems, Molecular basis of infectious diseases, Nutritional Biochemistry, Intermediary metabolism, Molecular basis of Noncommunicable diseases and Cell Biology. Also handle laboratory courses in Enzymology, Metabolism, Human Physiology Genetics, Immunology and Nutritional Biochemistry.
a. Association analysis of Col9A1, Col9A2 ,Col9A3,Aggrecan and TNF-α gene polymorphisms with early onset of Disc Herniation in Indian population –K. Rajsekar , N. Narayanasamy , M. Kuhar , S. Vaishya , S.Rajasekaran ,N.Devaraj ; International Journal Of Multidisciplinary Educational Research ISSN : 2277-7881; Volume 4, Issue 4(2), April 2015 b. Cytokine TH1/TH2 levels in patients with disc herniation – A comparative study- K. Rajsekar; M. Kuhar; N. Narayanasamy; S. Vaishya; N. Devaraj; S.Rajasekaran; International Journal Of Multidisciplinary Educational Research ISSN : 2277-7881; Volume 4, Issue 4(1), April 2015. c. Polymorphism in the C-terminal cytoplasmic site , arginine phosphorylation site and 3’ UTR of connexin43 and its association with progression of disc herniation; - K. Rajsekar; M. Kuhar; N. Narayanasamy; S. Vaishya; N. Devaraj; S.Rajasekaran; Global Spine Journal; ISSN: 2192-5682; d. Low Back Pain and Subsequent Disc Degeneration:An Epideomiological Survey; Kavitha Rajsekar, Palak, Anupam ,Meenakshi Kuhar, Shalini Sen, Sandeep Vaishya, S.Rajasekaran, Nandita Narayanasamy(2016); DU Journal of Undergraduate Research and Innovation Volume 2 , Issue 1 pp 80-91. ISSN: 2395-2334. e. Health Benefits Of Olive Oil Vesus Ground nut oil Consumption; Triveni Menon, Bharti Nawalpuri, Madhu Baghel, Kritika Sahni, Sanjana Singh, Kanika Gupta, Kanika Wadhwa, Priyanka, Oshima Sachin, Anju Kaicker, P. Hemalata Reddy, Nandita Narayanasamy (2016); DU Journal of Undergraduate Research and Innovation Volume 2 Issue 1 pp 211-217. ISSN: 2395-2334. f. Effects of Heating and Storage on Nutritional value of Sunflower Oil. T.C.A. Avni, S. Anupriya, Priyanka Rai, Kiran Maan, Charu Chauhan Nandita Narayanasamy (2016); DU Journal of Undergraduate Research and Innovation Volume 2, Issue 1 pp 196-202. ISSN: 2395-2334. g. Differential growth and antioxidant response to salinity stress in two Indian rice cultivars; Vinita Sindhi, Manisha Jain, Deepti Josula, Pooja Bisht, Kameshwar Sharma, Nandita Narayansamy, Prasad NVSRK and Neeti Mehla (2016) DU Journal of Undergraduate Research and Innovation Volume 2, Issue 1 pp 218-226; ISSN: 2395-2334. h. Death on earth: Adventures in Evolution and Mortality By Jules Howard ; Book review by Nandita Narayanasamy. The Book Review, VOLUME XL NUMBER 11 November 2016, pp288. ISSN : No.0970-4175 i. BOCWA ACT: Are the rights of labor being honoured or violated?; An exploration through pilot Pulmonary Fitness Test of construction workers in Delhi NCR. Paper presented at International conference’ Securing the future: ENCON 2017 on Jan 4th -6th 2017’. Paper to be published… j. Poster presented at Goasleep2017; the international conference on sleep medicine and research, 22-23 September 2017. Poster title: Assessment of sleep pattern and habits in young adult population in Delhi-NCR region. Charvy Rana, Eeshita Das, Lovika Rajpal, Mohd Areeb, Nishtha Mahendru, Sakshi Ghosh, Sakshi Jindal, Vanshika , Vandana Malhotra, Joginder and Nandita Narayanasamy. Paper under review… k. Replica plating; Nandita Narayanasamy and Vandana Malhotra; Life Science protocol manual, January 2018; ISBN : 978-93-5300-545-0.pp 145-148 l. Bacterial gene Induction; Nandita Narayanasamy; Life Science protocol manual, January 2018; ISBN : 978-93-5300-545-0.pp 149-152 m. Genetics Unit pp 159-185; Reviewed by Nandita Narayanasamy; Life Science protocol manual, January 2018; ISBN : 978-93-5300-545-0.pp 149-152 n. Unit 6 Precursor functions of amino acids and Unit 4: Amino acid metabolism disorders (CBCS, IGNOU); submitted October 2019, to be published.
Research Projects
a. Participatory member in ‘’Computational and immunological characterization /approaches for uncovering recombinant pectate lyase allergen production “December 2018-2021. b. Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder (DSPD): A Public Health Initiative Targeting Youth in Urban Areas Creating Socio-Legal Awareness & Development of a Rapid Mobile Diagnostic Test. May2016- May 2019. c. Mapping the urban unskilled migrant labor in the National Capital Reg: An exploration into the socio-economic profile and health status. 2015-2016.